Mx +525545501461 / CR +50671603094
.Yoga Massage Therapy is involved in several community projects such as the center for attention and education of the elderly, YMT certificate training program scholarship donations for struggling women with no income, YMT fare trade international integration program, and many others.
Your support and contributions will allow us to achieve our goals and improve conditions to sustain these projects. Your generous donation will finance our mission to keep helping others!
This is a free course program designed specifically for elder adults that integrates, active meditation, Ayurveda, and bodywork therapy.
It's a complete new topic for them to learn and explore it allows to activate their bodies and their minds, it allows them to interact, give and receive, to nurture each other, to make them feel rejuvenated and curious for life again it stimulates all senses and helps to create new neuronal transmissions for what helps them to have a healthy brain.
With your help we can get more props and materials, and create other educational platforms to access the courses at no cost.
How many women live with out any opportunities in life, with out any hope, struggling everyday trying to survive.. The YMT scholarship program provides access to a form of education of a profession or craft that could be used as a tool to generate an income, allowing more independence personal betterment and empowering, our mission is to encourage these women to learn how take care of themselves, and to heal by healing.
With your help we can provide them with equipment and materials to work, attach additional courses in finances, marketing, accounting, etc.